
                                                               HOOKED  2009                                
              This is the first film I made about 3 years ago when I was in  Colaiste Dhulaigh.
              It's pretty much a pencil test..I think it was a little too ambitious to have the film
              fully animated, inked and rendered in such a short space of time. But while the
              film was not complete the positive side is that I learnt so much in the process
             of making it. I also learnt that if you try to go without sleep for several days you
             ehh...go a lil crazy. Anywho I used some really dodgy sound FX so apologies for that :)

                                          SPOTLIGHT  2010

In ADA1 the first year of the two year BA honors Degree course in Ballyfermot students are put into groups together to work on a film to prepare them for making their own individual films the following year.
Myself, Alana O'Brien and Sarah Cherif worked together to produce Spotlight. To see the concept work and what layouts/scenes I done check out the Artwork page :)

THIN ICE  2011

This is my final year film made in 2011. There's so much more I would have liked to put in this film but with time running out so quickly and a dissertation on my back it wasn't really possible to do everything I wanted. Anywho hope ya enjoy